Monday, June 30, 2008

fini for this time

Friday-the end

What?  Today is our last full day with the kids Haiti is a different place than what you hear about in American media.  We tend to forget, I think, that Haitians are people and instead focus on all the safety concerns.  These children in are glowing with God’s glory and are such happy kids.  I love them and I hope I don’t get all worked up about coming back again.  I am definitely being changed by being here.  Today we piled into three trucks and a bus.  Alicia & I were in the bus and I can only describe this adventure as a constant game of chicken.  The best part was the gas tank for the bus was sitting right next to the driver.  We are on our way to Kaliko now, a beach resort in Haiti where we will play with the kids in the pool. 


That place was amazing and most of them loved the pool.  It had air conditioning too so we were actually cold.  We had a great time of worship and prayer that night and got to really encourage each other.  The next morning we returned and finished our time of worship and prayer together.  How awesome.  Then we all went to the pool again.  Then, it was time to leave and we had a teary goodbye.  I don’t think any of us can believe that week is over and I know my heart is still there.  Seeing the kids leave knowing they are still there – it is so hard for me to imagine now that I am back in California.  After we left Kaliko, the bus we were on broke down 3 times.  Good thing we had some handy guys around.  After a 4 hour journey, we arrived at the Hotel Montana, which is a nice hotel in Port-Au-Prince.  We shared a meal, debriefed and went to sleep.  This morning we got up and the hotel had no clue they were supposed to take us to the airport (not a surprising thing in Haiti) but eventually we got a bus.  As soon as we sat down in the terminal, they started boarding the plane.


More pictures coming soon…


Lucas Simmons


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