Monday, June 30, 2008

my favorite parts of the trip

meeting the kids lucas and i sponsor. keso. love-mita. lucas and i didnt think that being a sponsor would be such a big deal to these kids. Love-mita freaked out and ran and told all the other girls in the cabin in like 2 seconds. Keso was reminding the other boys all week of the fact. lucas and i decided to increase our sponsorship amount for them.

jumping up and down till it hurt with keso during worship. the smile on the kid's face: priceless. and when the music slowed down... he didnt. awesome.

speaking creole. it means the world to them. it opens a door. i remember meeting pharra. i said "bon jou" and so did she. but when i followed that with "M' conta fe conesance ou" (i am pleased to meet you) she smiled and our eyes connected. she is such a beautiful girl and has such an incredible story.

trying all the haitian food! sometimes i didnt know what kind of meat i was eating!! scary! one day after lunch... people were rushing outside. i did too to see what the comotion was. two goats in the bed of a truck. lunch tomorrow!! wow.

also the hardest part... hearing some stories from the kids themselves (through an i of how they got off of the street. about 7 or 8 of the girls in my cabin told us their stories through an inturpretor. hunger to the point of tears. being scared for their lives. voodoo. begging in the streets of port-au-price. being called names and cussed at. oragnge hair from malnutrition. being mistreated. BUT GOD... sent susette mannaserro out to talk with them. Jesus hand pick each of these girls out of their horrific lives into a new life with Him. one girl said she wanted to help girls get off the street too one day. renise. i love that girl.

the talent show. im telling you this is the most awesome talent show EVER. the first 3 acts were verse recitings. um the crowd was on thier feet and on the benches yelling and cheering. the thrid one had to be the loudest. it was for david. all by himself reciting a simple two line verse. i decided then and there is was the best talent show ever and wondered if the kids would keep up the excitement all the way through. they did. it was amazing. the finale was a fashion show by 6 of the girls in my cabin. steller. the al had the walk. and pharra had the perfect runway face. katiana followed with the her biggest brighest smile. you should have been there.

alicia simmons

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